Ray Ross
Vice Chairperson
Ray is serving his third term on the Board of Education. Ray is a 5th generation Wallingford resident, a graduate of Lyman Hall class of 1958, and was awarded the Wallingford Education Foundation Distinguished Alumni Award.
Ray has served the community in a variety of positions, including:
Executive Director of Great Connecticut Jazz Festival
Director of the Center Street Cemetery Association
Member of the Wallingford Public Celebrations Committee
Member of the Wallingford Veterans Memorial Parade Committee
Sponsor of the Spanish Community of Wallingford (SCOW) music program
Volunteer at SCOW
United Way Volunteer 2022
Official town photographer, with over 6000 hours documenting events for schools and other town functions.
Vice-President of the Wallingford Historic Preservation Trust
As a board member, Ray advocates for keeping two high schools, a strong arts curriculum; a culture of respect between parents, administrators, and teachers; updated school facilities; increased awareness and reporting of bullying; and effective uses of tax dollars.
Ray was Rotary Citizen of the Year for 2021 and Elks Citizen of the Year for 2023.
Dr. Marla Roscoe
Marla is honored to be serving in her first term on the Board of Education. While she admittedly has not learned every facet of this role yet as it is ever evolving, she is proud of her contributions, ability to collaborate with her fellow board members and her openness and willingness to listen to like and differing opinions and ideas. Currently she is additionally serving on the food service and business think tank committees where she is also a very active contributor. As a mom of two young boys (5 and 7) who are in/entering the Wallingford educational system, she is passionate about advocating for the most well-rounded education possible for all students of Wallingford.
As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, adjunct collage professor and a self-proclaimed lifelong learner, Marla is passionate about our students having a well-rounded education and being well prepared to enter adulthood. Marla looks forward to the opportunity to continue to serve the students of Wallingford.
Rajan Doering
Rajan graduated from Sheehan High School as a Varsity Scholar in 2018 after starting his educational career in Cook Hill's preschool. He is now a student at Quinnipiac University School of Law, and has degrees in Economics and Public Relations from Quinnipiac's undergraduate program.
I have served in a variety of leadership capacities, including:
Current roles on the BOE - Facilities Steering Committee, Parent Teacher Advisory Committee, Food Service Strategic Planning Committee, Various Administrator Interview Committees, Various Union Negotiation Teams
In the school district prior to being elected - STEM Steering Committee member, District Leadership Team Policy Committee member, District Wellness Committee member, One Fund Wallingford committee member, Sheehan Student Council President, Sheehan student liaison to the Board, Connecticut State Student Advisory Council on Education member
In the broader Wallingford community - board member and food pantry leader at the The Rock Church, board member and grant allocator at the United Way, board member at YMCA
I bring to the Board of Education the perspective of a current student, a recent graduate of the school district, an involved community member, and someone who has been active with school district leadership committees for close to a decade. ​I invite the community to reach out to me at any time at 203 208 8534 (call or text), rdoering@wallingfordschools.org, or Faceook/Twitter/Instagram @DoeringforBoard
Jennifer Passaretti
Donna Regan
For over 15 years, I was involved with the Wallingford Public Schools. I have participated in the PTO, worked at book fairs, helped in classrooms, been on countless field trips, and helped with field day. But the most important part of those 15 years was acting as an advocate for my children. I have often told my children’s teachers that it was not their job to educate my children – it was also my job. I saw myself as part of the team providing a solid education. And now, as my children navigate through high school, I feel I have set them on a path to be their own advocates, with my support.
2021 marks the first year I don’t have a child in the school system. I feel the need to stay connected to the school system that I’ve come to know and love. Serving on the Board of Education seems like a perfect opportunity for me to continue working in the school community.
The mission statement for Wallingford Public Schools is “To inspire through innovative and engaging experiences that lead all learners to pursue and discover their personal best.”
My 20 years in the technology industry can help me achieve that mission. I want to explore technology and tools that not only help our students develop and embrace their unique learning styles but help teachers provide that experience. Serving on the BOE would also provide me an opportunity to listen and advocate for all the teachers working so hard for their students to succeed.
Caroline Raynis
My name is Caroline Raynis, and I am a non-incumbent candidate, for this year’s Board of Education election. I have lived in Wallingford for nearly 30 years. In my professional career, I have worked for the State of Connecticut’s Department of Labor, where among other things, I taught classes, and helped people prepare résumés, craft cover letters, and learn interviewing techniques. I also taught high school students and recent high school graduates contemporary skills to assist them in entering into the workforce. Therefore, I have hands-on knowledge and experience about the importance of job readiness in our educational system.
Also at the DOL, I served as a regional union steward for three offices, where I mitigated issues pertaining to benefits/mass layoffs, safety/threats, and even OSHA violations and concerns.
I am a recent law school graduate, and am currently serving as an alternate on Wallingford’s Inlands, Wetlands, and Watercourses Commission.
Additionally, I hold a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree, and am a board member of Coram Deo, Inc., a womens' sober housing and recovery non-profit. I am the wife of a retired police officer and Gulf War veteran, a mother of three, a Girl Scout troop leader, and an active member and volunteer of/for my church.
I care about Wallingford’s students and its schools, and am confident that my vast background and skills will assist me to understand the particular needs of our students, the interests of parents, and the concerns of teachers and administrators. If elected, I will work diligently to ensure all voices are heard.
You can find me on Facebook “Caroline Raynis for BOE” or on Instagram @CarolineRaynisForBOE. Feel free to e-mail me at carolinerayniscares@gmail.com.