2024 School Supplies Drive
2023 School Supplies Drive

Thank you, Dad’s Restaurant, for hosting the RTC’s Back to School Supply Drive! We had a wonderful turnout and the event was a great success. Thank you to the people of Wallingford for your donations! Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time!
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Wallingford RTC Back to School Supplies Drive. This drive benefited 70 Wallingford school children. Each child will receive a backpack filled with supplies including folders, notebooks, pencil cases/pouches, pens/pencils, markers, scissors, erasers and so much more-everything they need to start off a great school year!
Wallingford school teachers will also benefit from the drive-receiving items such as wipes, tissues, markers/Sharpies, scissors, colored pencils, index cards, and crayons.

On August 11th members of the Wallingford RTC delivered supplies to the Board of Education Central Office and backpacks to Glow Ministries. On August 13th Mayorial Candidate Vinny Cervoni and members of the RTC delivered backpacks and other supplies to the Wallingford Ulbrich Boys and Girls Club. Thank you to Jermaine Mitchel, Unit Director, and the kids for helping with the boxes and a tour of their facility.